Friday, June 5, 2020

¡Has completado Cuarto Grado!

Saludos cordiales,

Hoy es un día especial. ¡Has completado Cuarto Grado! 
A pesar de la distancia, queremos reconocer tu valor, 
esfuerzo y dedicación. Fue un placer para nosotras ser tus 
maestras durante este año escolar. Te extrañaremos 
mucho y esperamos verte brillar en Quinto Grado. 
Siempre podrás contar con nosotras.

Con amor,

Teachers Sirelys, Jazmín, Alma & Noreli ♥

Monday, May 11, 2020

May 11th to May 15th, 2020 - Test Reviews - How Night Came from the Sea and The African Legacy

We hope that you had an excellent weekend. We have officially reach the last two weeks of class! We are very proud of how hard you guys have been working, you truly are star students! This week we are sharing the Power Point presentation that include the most essential (important) information you will be needing to complete your test. Start reviewing and make sure to write down your doubts. During the week we will be meeting in small groups to discuss these presentation. In this blog post you will find the links for the presentation of the week: May 11th to May 15th, 2020.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Extra Extra - Star Student in the way! - Read all about it!

This week we had an optional activity were we had to watch the movie: Song of the Sea. We asked you the students to send so drawings about your favorite parts. On the other hand we have other students that have been sending pictures of their work and organization skills, that's awesome. Here are some star student's work:

LUNA  4-1 

Emilee 4-2 ( Special organization calendar)

Monday, May 4, 2020

May 4th to 6th, 2020 - English and Social Studies class - Work Centers

We hope that you had an excellent weekend. Last week you learned many things and we were proud of your Quizizz scores! This week, is a short one so we don't have a lot of work, but we do have an exciting student day activity. We hope you guys are able to join us. In this blog post, you will find the materials necessary to complete the work assigned in the Study at Home document for the week of May 4th to May 6th, 2020.

See you soon!

Extra Resources:
Song of the Sea Movie

Monday, April 27, 2020

English | Social Studies Lessons for April 27th to May 1st, 2020

We hope that you had an excellent weekend. Last week your Show and Tell presentations were amazing, and this week we have more exciting classes! This week, we will be comparing the text: How Night Came to Sea to Lost City, you will also find the materials necessary to complete the work assigned in the Study at Home document for the week of April 27th to May 1st, 2020 in this blog post.

Extra Resources: 

Song of the Sea Movie
Subject -Verb Agreement Video

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

English and Social Studies Lessons for April 21st to 23rd, 2020


We hope that you have been doing well during these days. This week, English and Social studies class will be integrated! That means that your center work is the same for both classes! In this blog post, you will find the material necessary to complete the work assigned in the Study at Home document for the week of April 21st to April 23rd, 2020. 

This week the PowerPoint presentations are integrated into one that means that they're connected like puzzle pieces! 
Links and Resources:

1. English class quiz
2. Social Studies quiz

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Lecciones virtuales - Microsoft Teams

¡Saludos cordiales!

Esperamos que se encuentren bien durante el día de hoy. Es con gran emoción que nos comunicamos con ustedes para confirmar nuestras video lecciones de mañana y el jueves. Las mismas se llevarán a cabo a través de la plataforma Microsoft Teams.  Para acceder a la plataforma, deberán utilizar el correo electrónico institucional asignado al estudiante, el cual ya está activo. Debe seguir las instrucciones de la foto que se incluye abajo,para lograr acceso a Microsoft Teams. En el caso de haber un apellido con la letra “ñ”, recuerde utilizar la letra “n”.  La contraseña inicial es universal, al entrar les pide que la cambien.  Asegúrense de utilizar una contraseña que puedan recordar y anótenla en su agenda o libreta.

También, les enviamos un video tutorial de cómo acceder a Microsoft Teams desde el teléfono celular. Esperamos que les sirva de gran ayuda. ¡Estamos a sus órdenes siempre!



Teacher Jazmín & Teacher Sirelys